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  • White correction tape effortlessly provides solid coverage, sure to erase all your mistakes
  • The effective correction fluid is suitable for use on virtually all surfaces, covering most everyday inks, laser print, inkjet text, faxes and photocopies
  • Correction tape is protected with a handy slide control, allowing you to cover and expose the tape when required
  • Its quick-drying formula allows you to re-write instantly without any smudges or smears on any type of paper
  • Each Slider correction roller has a total of 8.5 meters tape length and a 5 mm application width

Snopake Slider Correction Roller 5 mm x 8.5 m Roller

  • You will be able to return your items for a full refund should you be dissatisfied with your purchase or you have received a faulty item, in line with your legal rights - up to 30 days after you have order, in line with our returns policy. We offer a returns service at the standard rate of delivery of £4.99. Please follow the instructions provided in your delivery note if you wish to use this service. If you would like to arrange for a return without using our services, please contact us to let us know the details and when we can expect to receive the returned goods.

  • You will be able to return your items for a full refund should you be dissatisfied with your purchase or you have received a faulty item, in line with your legal rights - up to 30 days after you have order, in line with our returns policy. We offer a returns service at the standard rate of delivery of £4.99. Please follow the instructions provided in your delivery note if you wish to use this service. If you would like to arrange for a return without using our services, please contact us to let us know the details and when we can expect to receive the returned goods.

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